Gas Stabilizer

Innovative automation system for biogas collection that optimizes the performance of traditional collection systems by increasing extraction efficiency.

  • It enables continuous remote monitoring and control, in real time, for each collection line

  • It is modular, can be dismantled and can be applied to any type of biogas collection plant, both new and existing


Zero3 ha ricevuto il Premio innovazione amica dell’ambiente 2021

thanks to the automatic regulation system which:
– determines increases in the volumes of biogas collected and therefore greater quantities of ‘biogas’ fuel mixture sent for energy recovery;
– regulates the collection parameters and the pressure gradient applied to the production source (e.g. to the landfill body) leading to an increase in the lower calorific value of the ‘biogas’ fuel mixture sent for energy recovery.

The increase in the calorific value of biogas characterizes the improvement of the fuel mixture sent to the engines for energy recovery.

thanks to the automatic regulation system which determines increases in the volumes of biogas collected and therefore lower quantities of odorous emissions into the atmosphere, eventually eliminating them.

thanks to the automatic regulation system which determines increases in the volumes of biogas collected and therefore lower quantities of GHG (methane) emissions into the atmosphere

thanks to the patented software system

thanks to the continuous automatic regulation of the collection parameters on each collection line

on the biogas parameters in each collection line coming from the production site and in the main line through which the biogas is sent for energy recovery treatment


Gas Stabilizer is an innovative element that integrates into current collection systems, covering the role of the mind/brain of the entire collection system. Placement diagram. Thanks to its flexibility in terms of adaptation and installation, it can be applied to any type of biogas collector plant, both new and existing ones, and can be installed in all plants where biogas is produced from multiple sources, such as in landfills, anaerobic treatment plants, purifiers.


Main advantages that
characterize the Gas Stabilizer:

  • It can be applied to any type of collection system

  • It minimizes CH4 emissions and odours

  • It maximizes the amount of CH4 sent to the engines

  • It is modular, light, reusable, easy to install and can be dismantled

  • It enables remote monitoring and control

  • It automatically adjusts collection parameters

  • It prevents the risk of fire/explosion thanks to automatic adjustment

  • Economic income from increased electricity production

Functional diagram with Gas Stabilizer
installed on HDPE collector

A  Biogas extraction
Sample extraction for gas train analysis
C  Biogas analyzer
D  Data analysis and control framework
E  Regulation valve
Collector gas flow
Gas flow to the engine

Gas stabilizer

Compared to traditional biogas collection systems, the installation of GAS STABILIZER at an Italian landfill achieved an overall average increase in the volumes of biogas collected equal to 31.98%.


With ART-ER, as part of the activities envisaged by the Climate – KIC Startup Accelerator Italy 2020 project, we had the opportunity to learn about the “CIF – CLIMATE IMPACT FORECAST” a method designed to evaluate the impact of GAS STABILIZER on the climate obtaining Validation Certificate no. IT05. With an increase of just 20% in the volume of biogas collected and sent for energy recovery, for each 1 MW electricity production plant, GAS STABILIZER makes it possible to reduce the Carbon Footprint by over 7,800 tonnes* in terms of CO2eq every year.

Best available techniques

The performance of the GAS STABILIZER system and method correspond with important BEST AVAILABLE TECHNIQUES (BAT), as defined in Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/1147 which establishes the conclusions on the best available techniques for waste treatment.

A few numbers

Our Gas Stabilizer technology helps reduce the environmental impact of biogas production: less dispersion, more clean energy.


31.98% is the overall average increase in the volumes of biogas (landfill gas) collected compared to traditional collection systems

– 7.800 Tonnes*

Reduction in the Carbon Footprint of over 7,800 tonnes* in terms of CO2eq every year, with an increase of just 20% in the volume of biogas collected and sent for energy recovery, for each 1 MW electricity production plant.

Simplicity is the ultimate

Leonardo da Vinci

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